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Everything posted by VorkA

  1. Hey! I don't know if that would be useful for some, but i would suggest an options for the autobets thats raises/lowers the wager amount by x % after y bets. As an example for Roulette, I'd like to flat-bet on one number. So i would have to raise my wager amount after 35 spins to profit on a hit. So you would add the 35 spins mark to raise your wager by x %. Then just the return to base on win. ---------- Another suggestion: Adding a "Stop on win/lose" option. I start to play the auto-bets more and more and try on higher multipliers like 2000x on dice and yesterday the 12523x on Minesweeper. If i try these bets, i would live to do it while being busy with something else, because it doesnt help me to win that multipliers 3 times in a row, but as i return to game i am busted because it run through Thanks for the attention! ~V
  2. VorkA


    Link can be edited too i think. I use the https://crypto.games/chat/chatall.aspx To just show english and international chats. Don't know if it works like that if you just leave out a language you don't need, can't test it right now.
  3. I've been playing on auto-mode, flat betting minimum ltc wager. Been extremely lucky and had this hit after around 2300 tries
  4. Yoyo guys! What do you think of my recent bet? Can't believe it really hit
  5. By the way, what genres do you would like to play at all? Because all of the games that been mentioned here are AAA titles. If you don't want the heat and action all the time, but a game that you can easily play an hour a day here and then just to relax, thats Stardew Valley. But as well i can really suggest Terraria and Starbound. And then there is Evoland 1 & 2. Kinda interesting and fun game to play, with very different mechanics that change within the story. Also the graphic is changing.
  6. Hey there! Most of the time when i play games and i get addicted to them, it's just not enough for me to complete the story and sidequests (and in many games the collectibles as well), but i find myself trying to hunt the possible achievements of a game. It just feels like only then the whole game is completed to 100% for me. Of course Horizon Zero Dawn and TESO: Skyrim are very big examples for that, but i want to know your opinion! Are you kind of the same? Or are you strictly going through story and sidequests? What are the games that made you hype your achievements? Greetz!
  7. FF8 is love Nobby. But as I played it and got addicted till the end of the dlc, i can surely go with Thiago and: Horizon Zero Dawn
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