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Everything posted by VorkA

  1. I guess the topic should stay. Its still something somebody else could complain on. And if they're smart, they will read it here beforst posting. Well. I mean, if you would be allowed to withdraw a faucet from min of 0.0005 btc up for example, i guess its perfectly fine to wait 12 hours after having literal free money then. ------ Btw, a suggestion from me: - Faucets are allowed to be withdrawable. - Faucets are only withdrawable, if you are in negatives on total profit on the coin you want to WD. - Faucets are only withdrawable at 0.0015 btc instead of 0.0005 btc. - 12 hour cooldown remains.
  2. It's clearly stated in TOS / FAQ that we are not supposed to withdraw from it. So it isn't misleading if you take the time to read through it before making a mistake imo. The faucets are there to create a bridge over the waiting time for a deposit, so you can still be busy. As well as to try out new strategies without risking your deposit.
  3. Heya. Just a small thing. If you hit "Auto" on Slots, the button to Spin could be changed in colour too and activates the standard autobet. Just like the button underneath. If people do change things on the settings, they scroll down at all.
  4. Crypto.Games Username: VorkA BetID 1: https://crypto.games/bet/slot/51588883 BetID 2: https://crypto.games/bet/slot/51588926 BetID 3: https://crypto.games/bet/slot/51588928 BetID 4: https://crypto.games/bet/slot/51588938 BetID 5: https://crypto.games/bet/slot/51589022 BetID 6: https://crypto.games/bet/slot/51589027 BetID 7: https://crypto.games/bet/slot/51589091 BetID 8: https://crypto.games/bet/slot/51589097 BetID 9: https://crypto.games/bet/slot/51589391 BetID 10: https://crypto.games/bet/slot/51589608
  5. VorkA

    Elden Ring

    Yo guys. I guess some of you tried or finished the game. So lets discuss it. In my opinion, its kinda easy to play, way more than DS for example. Especially as you are able to summon wolves e.g. at the very beginning (Still Not knowing why i can summen or Not in open fields), which makes it a lot more easy. Still i am in the starting area, as i am looking for each and every corner of the map (i hate Crabs btw..). So where are you meanwhile? And whats your opinion on the mounted Fights? They kind of remind me of Assassins Creed, as well i think, if you Fall of your Mount, its like cheating to immediately get back up onto it, as the Animation gets you some time in which you are invincible. As well even in the starting area, the dungeons feel.. insanely repetitive. Greets!
  6. Depends on who you are. How you are. What is the effect you wabt to achieve? Cbd isnt thc. So it wont make you high (unless you are abusing it to the extreme). Cbd helps in multiple causes. Parkinson, multiple Sklerose, anxiety, stomach (it makes you feel hungry, while calming it Down), sleeplessness, General Stress (body). Still, even if theres a min amount of thc involved, if you are doing other Things (meds that raise/lower your blood pressure e.g; alcohol; etc) you should ask your doc if its fine. As well: if you got psychological Problems (depressions or else), you got to be careful. It could still turn you up/down. And you could have side effects (depending on your Personal vulnerability-combined with-your General Stress level), like a mental breakdown, Panic, such Things. Without knowing what you have and what youre asking for, this is the best i can Tell you. Feel free to ask here further or msg me in a Private message.
  7. VorkA

    Need kinda help.

    Nothing special as i can see.
  8. VorkA

    Need kinda help.

    as well, like on youtube, here's kinda something. Brighter colours wont be cared (don't mock my taste of music); 1st attached pic (i hope i am allowed to show prnt links, its fullscreen and too big to be attached). https://prnt.sc/-vud9fOZ1tXf but next, which is kinda darker shows artifacts too: https://prnt.sc/LBB0eyMUedKl
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