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Everything posted by BladeRunner

  1. Crypo.Games Username: BladeRunner Bet 1: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11590412 1230 Bet 2: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11601447 2500 Bet 3: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11600642 2500 Bet 4: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11599019 2500 Bet 5: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11590437 1600 Bet 6: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11592800 1120 Bet 7: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11597052 2500 Bet 8: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11592867 2660 Bet 9: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11598988 2500 Bet 10: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11597530 2500
  2. Crypo.Games Username: BladeRunner Bet 1: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11590412 Bet 2: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11590418 Bet 3: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11590422 Bet 4: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11590429 Bet 5: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11590437 Bet 6: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11592800 Bet 7: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11592853 Bet 8: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11592867 Bet 9: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11592892 Bet 10: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11592903
  3. On the previous numbers the 6 was changed to an 8.
  4. Crypto.games Username: BladeRunner BetID 1: https://crypto.games/bet/plinko/19574843 Yellow BetID 2: https://crypto.games/bet/plinko/19575211 Green BetID 3: https://crypto.games/bet/plinko/19601562 Red BetID 4: https://crypto.games/bet/plinko/19602184 Blue
  5. Crypto.Games Username: BladeRunner BetID: https://crypto.games/bet/blackjack/9590380
  6. No the challenge in my opinion was the most poorly worded situation in my life. You can post a min of 2 bets, yet we'll favor you more if you post the 10 bets, yet your not allowed to spam more than 10 bets. Which some did anywho. This right here is why I don't do challenges and will for the future reference abstain from challenges. As these challenges are designed to get newer players interested in games that they might not play on the regular. I had set myself thinking I for sure had a win, but caught in the loop hole that it was more favored to spam meaningless bets just to beat out other players. Like I said good luck on future promotions and hope you win them as well. Yet I for sure won't continue to be talked into doing challenges when clearly the end result is pointless.
  7. I'm pretty sure I misunderstood the terms of the challenge. Apparently I had to post 10 bets AND have the one of the higher bet averages. I should have posted like the other 9 full houses I got that were under 3200 sats. *shrugs* Oh well, I'll make sure i ask for clarification the next time.
  8. I was pretty impressed with the end result, started with video poker, finished with roulette. Especially from 2000 sats
  9. crypto.games username: BladeRunner BetID 1: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11201066 BetID 2: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11201186 BetID 3: https://crypto.games/bet/videopoker/11201219
  10. Crypto.Games Username: BladeRunner BetID 1: https://crypto.games/bet/blackjack/9062897 BetID 2: https://crypto.games/bet/blackjack/9059665 BetID 3: https://crypto.games/bet/blackjack/9059914
  11. Have we considered using less of a wonkey bet increment for LTC. Like who wants to bet in 0.25 mLTC increments any who. I would rather be able to bet in 0.1 mLTC or back back to where the min bet is 1 mLTC. Trying to play any form of blackjack on here these days become completely unplayable with the new bet increments and the funny card lag that happens on the player side on occasion when the dealer draws there cards out first. That or offer a way to manually type in the bet I wish versus having to endless click on chips.
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