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Maximum Bet Warning


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  • 1 year later...

Why has this not been implemented yet? Just lost another $80 or so thanks to max button and its proximity to the bet button. And on a bet that no one in their right mind would ever make (super longshot). This is actually one of the main reasons I dont play here as often as I used to...the max button and the 1/2 and 2x buttons are all way too easy to hit accidentally. Surely the owners of the site are aware of this problem by now. Does not seem like they are acting in very good faith.

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Also, I understand a UI redesign is not a trivial thing to ask for, but there should at least be an option in user settings to disable "max" functionality. Many other crypto casino sites already have this or something similar implemented, and it would be very easy to add to the CryptoGames UI. The only downside I can think of is the short-term lost revenue (from customers who would otherwise have accidentally wagered and lost their entire balance in one bet).  But in my opinion that would be negligible compared to the consistent additional revenue from loyal regulars and returning ex-regulars who would have renewed faith in Crypto.Games


and thats all I have to say about that. 

  • CG Coin 1
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