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Posts posted by Ferdinand

  1. Crypto ad network is an advertising platform like Google Adsense, albeit one fine-tuned for promoting blockchain and crypto-related products.

    Ad networks provide a platform for crypto firms to set up targeted marketing campaigns. Once a campaign is set up and ready to go live, the networks distribute it across several relevant, high-traffic publications to ensure maximum visibility and conversion.

    If you’re an advertiser on the hunt for the most relevant crypto audience to promote your products/services to, Bitmedia brings you several targeting options at a competitive price.

    Similarly, if you’re a publisher, the platform enables your website or publication to add a steady stream of ad revenue by connecting you with advertisers.

    Display ads: Advertisers can use this option to place banner ads of different sizes on publications that are part of the Bitmedia network. These ads can be text-based or they can also feature an image. Because the ads are relevant to the content on that particular web page, these banner ads are usually very effective in grabbing users’ attention.

    Rich media ads: Rich media ads are basically adaptable smart banners that make your ads more attractive while giving you a better scope to interact with the target audience. These ads can have embedded audio, video, or other advanced elements to engage visitors. HTML5 banner ads: Bitmedia’s HTML5 banner ads bring along advanced animations, interactivity, engaging videos, and other visually appealing elements that can attract greater traffic.
    Website: https://bitmedia.io/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/bitmedia_io
    Medium: https://medium.com/@bitmedia_io
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bitmedia.io/
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/bitmedia_io/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQonVVKco1v1c_AQ_dD5DcQ
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bitmedia-io/
    Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/bitmediaio
    E-mail: marketing@bitmedia.io

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