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RTVI last won the day on September 3 2023

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  1. RTVI

    Beats by me

    This is my first ever dubstep track I made lawl https://soundcloud.com/rretrovirus/retroviru-adderawl?si=a65146fda0964870b8e02ab465962e47&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
  2. Once upon a time, in a whimsical forest, lived two peculiar creatures – Nob Fox and Nob Ox. They were named so because they both had unique nobs on their foreheads. Nob Fox was cunning and sly, while Nob Ox was gentle and strong. One sunny morning, Nob Fox hatched a mischievous plan to trick Nob Ox. He approached Nob Ox with a charming smile and said, "Hey, my friend, I heard there's a magical nob hidden deep in the forest. If we find it, it will grant us endless wishes." Excited by the idea of limitless wishes, Nob Ox agreed to join the quest. The duo ventured into the heart of the forest, hopping over fallen branches and bypassing sparkling streams. But unbeknownst to Nob Ox, Nob Fox had a secret agenda. As they journeyed, Nob Fox subtly led Nob Ox towards danger, hoping to leave him stranded or lost. However, Nob Ox's kindness made him cautious and wise. He noticed the deceitful glint in Nob Fox's eyes and decided to play along, pretending not to be suspicious. Eventually, they arrived at the supposed location of the magical nob. But instead of a wondrous object, they found an old, wise owl. The owl spoke in riddles, saying, "To find what you seek, look within your heart. True magic lies in the bonds you impart." Nob Fox, disappointed that his trick had failed, stormed away in a huff. But Nob Ox stayed back, reflecting on the owl's words. He realized that true magic wasn't about selfish desires but in genuine friendship and trust. From that day on, Nob Fox and Nob Ox became inseparable friends, journeying through the forest together, helping other creatures, and spreading joy wherever they went. They understood that their friendship was the true magic that brought happiness into their lives. And so, the tale of Nob Fox and Nob Ox teaches us that sometimes, what we seek is right in front of us – the magic of friendship, kindness, and compassion.
  3. RTVI

    VIP rain

    How about a separate rain feature in the VIP chat with its own balance that we can top up It's like a desert in there
  4. Jumpy bumpy come-on crypto games! Peassss
  5. I already completed my verification Un: Dice
  6. yeah unfortunately im speculating it will never be done. at least with any casino i know of. maybe that's an idea for casino..
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